FluxForms is now free for everyone to use

We are excited to announce that our product is now completely free to use for everyone.


In a move that will surprise and delight many of our users, we are excited to announce that FluxForms is now completely free to use for everyone. We believe that by removing financial barriers to access, we will be able to provide even more value to our users and create a more positive impact in the world.

We've been thinking about making this change for some time, and we believe that now is the right time to do it. Here are a few reasons why we decided to make our product free:

More Inclusive Access

By making our product free, we're removing one of the biggest barriers to entry for new users - the cost. We want our product to be accessible to everyone, regardless of their financial situation. We believe that by doing so, we'll be able to help more people achieve their goals and improve their lives.

Increased Engagement

When users don't have to pay for a product, they are more likely to try it out and use it regularly. This can lead to increased engagement, which in turn can help us improve our product and better meet the needs of our users.

Positive Impact

We believe that our product has the potential to make a positive impact in the world, and by making it free, we hope to be able to reach more people who can benefit from it. Whether it's improving education, healthcare, or the environment, we want our product to be a force for good.

How will you make money now that the product is free?

We are exploring a variety of different monetization strategies, including advertising, sponsorships, and partnerships. We are confident that we will be able to find a way to sustain our business while continuing to provide our product for free.

We're excited to see what the future holds. We believe that this change will help us build a more inclusive, engaged, and positive community of users. Thank you for being a part of our journey, and we look forward to continuing to provide value to you in the years to come.

Jeevan M R

Founder, CTO @ FluxForms

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